No implementations should be executed or carried out if the implementation in question requires a tool including any ladders or reaching aids of any kind. Also any other aid of any shape form or size. Anyone intending to implement any energy saving option or implement any action must seek professional advice.

Not all implementations contain dollar savings, with the examples available you can half, quarter or "times by" the amount to suit your situation and easily estimate your own savings.

"A community savings plan", money is easily wasted. All the savings and examples below can provide business great potential to create jobs, attract investors and gradually rehabilitate our local economy. Everybody who uses and advertises in respects and is taking on a responsibility role in sharing our ecosystem sustainably with the community for the community.

Low Financial Investment

L1 - Company Party Recyclables

L2 - Car Fleet Maintenance

L3 - Boxes Recycling

L4 - Door Curtains

L5 - Air Conditioned Premises

L6 - Appliances Disposal

L7 - Battery Recycling

L8 - Company Car Pooling

L9 - Cold Room Door Curtains

L10 - Coffee Tea Sustainability

L11 - Display Refrigerator Curtains

L12 - Draught Proof Premesis

L13 - Eco Power-boards

L14 - Energy Saving Light Globe

L15 - Fluroesent Tubes Reduction

L16 - Green-bag-sale

L17 - Green Power Purchase

L18 - Work From Home

L19 - Leak Free Taps Toilet Sets

L20 - Leakage Prevention

L21 - Local Services Used

L22 - No Junk Mail

L23 - Office/Shop Recycling Bins

L24 - Public Transport Use

L25 - Refrigerator Door Seal

L26 - Temperature Reduction Program

L27 - Toner Ink Cartridges Recycled

L28 - Two Wheel Transport Used

L29 - Water Filter

L31 - Water Flow Restrictor

L32 - Water Saving Shower Head

L33 - Open Day

L35 - Air Conditioning Refrigeration Maintenance

L36 - Engine Off In Traffic Jams.

L37 - Spontaneous Rubbish Pick-up

L38 - Electricity Leak Free Taps

Medium Financial Investment

M1 - Electric Air Curtains

M2 - Alternative Fuel Transport

M3 - Compost Worm Farm

M4 - Composting Toilet

M5 - Double Glazing

M6 - Dual - Flush Toilet Sets

M7 - Eco Cleaning Products

M8 - Energy Efficient Washing Machine

M9 - Exhaust Filters

M10 - Fluorescent Tube Retrofit

M11 - Hazardous Toxic Safe Disposal

M12 - Oil Recycled

M13 - Insulated Ceiling

M14 - LED Lighting Technology

M15 - Lights Off At Night

M16 - Lights Off During Day Time

M17 - Organically Grown

M18 - Plastic Bag Recycling Station

M19 - Rainwater Tank

M20 - Reflective Roof

M21 - Sky Lights

M22 - Solar Hot Water

M23 - Solar Power 12 V

M24 - Time Switches

M25 - Unbleached Paper Use

M26 - Water Sanitation

M27 - Waste Water Recycled

M28 - Eco Starter Pack

M29 - Team Partnership Co Operative

M30 - Old Oil Recovered

M31 - Four Cylinder Car Fleet

M32 - Solar Power 240V 220V 110V

M33 - LCD Screen

M34 - Mooving to a Rural Area

M35 - Electric car

High Financial Investment

H1 - Solar Barbeque

H2 - Solar Street Flood Lights

H3 - Solar Air Conditioning

H4 - Heat Recovery

H5 - Manufacturing OHER&S

H6 - Manufacturer Recycling

H7 - Biodegradable Packaging


All Implementation Options Achieved in Electricity Saving

All Implementation Options Achieved in Water Savings

All Implementation Options Achieved in Wear and Tear Reduction

All Implementation Options Achieved in Air, Water and Soil

All Implementation Options Achieved in Flora and Wildlife

All Implementation Options Achieved in Community Actions

All Implementation Options Achieved in Recycling Resources